Coping with Oral Cancer Using Natural Remedies

by | Apr 1, 2018 | Dental Health

April is oral cancer awareness month, so we decided to share some information about oral cancer and some natural therapies that can help with the symptoms. Oral cancer is divided into two categories – those occurring in the oral cavity (your lips, the inside of your lips and cheeks, teeth, gums, the front two-thirds of your tongue and the floor and roof of your mouth) and those occurring in the oropharynx (middle region of the throat, including the tonsils and base of the tongue).

Early detection may result in better treatment outcomes and may help keep you or someone you love from becoming one of the 10,030 people whose lives may be claimed this year by the disease. The 5-year survival rate of those diagnosed is approximately 60 percent.

The oral cavity and oropharynx are two different parts. Oropharynx begins from the end of oral cavity. Oral cavity comprises of lips, lining of lips, buccal mucosa, gingiva, front two-third of the tongue and floor of the mouth. The most common spots of cancer in oral cavity include tongue, tonsils, gums, floor of the mouth and oropharynx. Oral or oropharyngeal cancers are seen mostly in men when compared to women. This type of cancer is found in all age groups. The survival rate after infection is 5 years. Oral or oropharyngeal cancers can be treated easily if diagnosed in the early stages. The survival rate varies based on the spread of cancer to the surrounding tissues and organs.

Oral and oropharyngeal cancer patients can be treated either by natural home remedies or by surgery. The different type of oral cancer treatments include:

  • Surgery
  • Radiation therapy
  • Chemotherapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Target therapy

These different natural home remedies may help prevent oral cancer:

Turmeric is an ancient remedy used as a natural means to cope with throat cancer and oral cancer. Curcumin present in turmeric helps in the detoxifying liver and has antiseptic and antibiotic properties. Curcumin helps in inhibiting the cancer-causing enzymes in your body.

Crush the dried roots or rhizome of turmeric to make it in a powdered form and eat it with hot water or milk. Consuming this mixture will help in relieving the oral cancer symptoms.

Mint is a common ingredient used in most of the recipes across the globe. Mint contains phytochemicals that help to prevent the blood flow to a cancerous tumor. Mint helps in preventing the growth of a tumor by destroying the carcinogens before stopping the blood supply to the cancerous cells. You can crush the mint leaves and add it to hot water or tea.

Thyme has anti-cancer properties. Thyme contains thymol compound that helps in oral cancer cure. Apart from thymol, there are certain other ingredients present in thyme that are used to cure oral cancer. Terpenes are also present in thyme as anti-cancer agents. Terpenes also help in curing mouth ulcers. Include thyme in your daily diet as a cure for oral cancer.

Coriander seeds
Crush the coriander seeds and mix 3 teaspoons of coriander seeds to a glass of water. Drink 3-4 glasses of water daily. Drinking coriander seeds water helps prevent oral cancer easily. Coriander seeds also increase the oral cancer cure rate.

Early screening is key. If you have any symptoms, please feel contact us to make an appointment for oral cancer screening.

Written by: Maryam Aslam

Hi, my name is Maryam Aslam. I work as a Marketing Manager with Smile Rx Dental in Bowie, Maryland. I previously worked alongside Dr. Aatifa Khan as a Certified Dental Assistant for more than one year. I'm excited to work with her to present unique and interesting topics on this site and our social media pages. I am a foreign trained dentist pursuing a dental education program with the University of Florida in the Restorative Sciences Department. I thoroughly enjoy the experience. I am keen to continue to set myself far reaching goals both personally and professionally – if anything, this challenge will make for an interesting life!

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