Holistic Dentistry

We take your overall health in mind when treating your teeth. Our doctors do not simply see the mouth as a receptacle for food and chewing, rather the mouth is a gateway to the rest of your body and oral health problems can create a domino effect that impedes your body’s ability to function harmoniously.

Oral health problems have been linked to diabetes, cardiovascular problems such as heart attack, sinusitis, Alzheimers, anxiety, and chronic inflammation. The basic concept in holistic dentistry is to treat teeth and preserve the mouth in the most natural state as possible and prevent harm to the rest of the body.

For centuries, people of various cultures have harnessed the therapeutic benefits of essential oils to support their health and wellness. We have now incorporated essential oils in our dental environment for your benefit. Also, use pure essential oil based toothpaste which we mix in our polish to clean teeth and essential oil mouthwash. They are both for sale at our office.

We strive hard to identify problems early, treat your conditions with the least invasive procedure, and try to use materials that will not harm your body further. We welcome you to come experience a fresh new clean!

What Do We Do Differently?

Conservative, least invasive dentistry

We want to first provide you with the treatment option that will conserve the most tooth structure and cause the least damage to your teeth. For example: in some cases inlays can be used instead of crowns so we do not have to shave down tooth structure. Another example is the option to replace teeth using removable appliances instead of implant and bridges. We want to make sure you are aware of the least invasive option and give you all the choices.

Mercury free dentistry

We only use composite fillings and also have BPA free fillings available.

Metal Free dentistry

For all appliances and crowns and bridges we choose materials that do not have metal. For crowns and bridges we use Zirconia. For partials we use valplast and flexible plastic based material.

Safe amalgam removal

We follow IOAMT protocols for safe removal of amalgam fillings which includes the use of the following:

  • Chlorella: a natural algae material that is used as a supplement to detox but also helps to bind heavy metals (this is painted as a paste around the inside of your mouth).
  • Dentair Vac vacuum filtration system: used during your procedure to trap all aerosols and filter out mercury
  • 3 M respirators: filter mercury
  • Mask to cover your nose and eyes
Herbal cleanings with pure essential oils

We use a mixture of different herbs, pumice and essential oil toothpaste for polishing your teeth after your cleaning. This mixture is mixed while you are sitting in the chair so there are no preservatives, dyes, artificial flavorings etc.

Nutritional counseling to prevent dental disease

It is very important for us to educate you on how to prevent cavities in the first place. We will go over which foods and drinks cause decay and what your diet should consist of to prevent dental problems.

Hygiene instructions and use of natural products for home care

Proper brushing and flossing instructions are given as well as products you can use at home for your oral health. We do sell theives mouthwash and toothpaste made by Young Living pure essential oil based products. We also discuss options such as sea salt water rinsing, and oil pulling.

Low radiation digital x-rays

We use digital x rays that capture each tooth individually which expose the lowest amount of radiation. We do not take any panoramic films that go around your head, which have much more radiation exposure.

Alternative treatment options for replacement of teeth

The carlson bridge is an alternative option for replacement of missing teeth which we do provide case by case. There are other temporary replacement options available.

The Carlson Bridge

We are excited to offer you the Carlson bridge, which is a conservative option for replacing your missing teeth. It does not require any invasive surgical procedure such as an implant or the stripping down of your natural teeth in the case of a traditional bridge. The best part is that it is fixed in your mouth permanently just like a traditional bridge but there is no damage done to your other teeth. See the links below and Dr Khan will be happy to evaluate to see if you are a candidate!

Come and Experience the Smile Rx Difference.

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